Monday, April 18, 2011

The Event! by Jamie

Early morning - coffee Please!
Out of the car - oh what a breeze.

Whats ahead, I do not know.
T-shirts on - its time to go!

Down the hill, we're in the pack
Round the bend, we are on track!

The smells are clean after the rain
The mood is right, i feel no pain.

People cheer that i do not know.
It makes me feel the urge to "GO!"

Omg, what i have i done!
This endless hill is so no fun!

In my calves i feel the burn
In my head i must be stern.

At the top i again can breathe
A small down turn in just a tease.

The next rise is a steady slope
and we no longer use an imaginary rope

We rise back above the trees,
A desire to quit felt in my knees.

But A desire to run felt in my heart
we are that much farther from the start.

The second half, we know whats up
OMG, Mary threw her cup. (LITER!)

Its time again, we mentally prepare.
The hill is close, pull back your hair.

We see the rise,  I say RUN! lol
Come on Mary, It will be Fun!

She is such a sport, we stomped it out,
Very little did she actually pout!

One small goal we had to find,
Two girls in front, make them behind.

Half way up that final stretch,
Those two girls we did catch.

Before we know we see the end
Just around the final bend.

"Eye of the tiger" to motivate
Pickup the speed, who wants to wait.

Ten more feet, nine, eight, seven, five
Inches away, i feel so alive!

There's my BABY! Waiting at the line!
The camera flashes, The moment is MINE!

We finished, we finished, we finished,
we finished, we finished, we finished!!!!!!

The adrenaline's pumping, i can't believe
This massive first we just achieved

46 minutes, it went so fast,
I"m cloud nine, i hope it lasts.

Mary's encouragement to do this thing
Has turned in to fulfilling a dream!

I can't believe what we have done!
and I never knew it would be fun!

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