Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Relaying For One Life

As some of you may know, Relay for Life was held May 20-21. Team Terry's Baristas was one of the most loyal to the cause. We were one of 8 or 9 groups that stayed past 10:45 and were the only ones walking after 1:00am. We all really enjoyed the experience for what it represented and were PROUD to be the for Terry Cordle.
On Wednesday, May 25, 2011, Terry lost his battle with Lung Cancer. It is so unbelievable that this was that same man that single handed chopped down a 40 feet tree in his back yard last summer. For over six months he fought cancer as hard as he could but now he is gone forever! I have known Terry for the around 20 years, since i was a little girl and only allowed to called him "Mr. Cordle" We've laughed together, talked about life and love, about his time in the war. About family and friendship and i think even a little about heaven. He was truly a dear person to me. Like the the Uncle i never had! I piece of heart with have him in it until the day that i too die and meet him in heaven. May God Always be with you Terry!  And if you will a moment of prayer. 
Dear Lord, Thank you time you gave us with Terry. Thank you for showing us, through him, what a kind and loving spirit can be. Please be with us all in our time of need. For those who grieve for Terry and for those who grieve for there own loved ones. In this day and age some many things turn our lives up side down and backwards. Help us to find strength in you. In your name. Amen.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting on with it!

Every feel like your standing at that bottom of huge task, just a little afraid to start forward? That is exactly how i felt as early as a week before the race. Tons of anxiety and not just a little regret. That is where Mary comes into to play. She is my motivator! My dreamer friend who's positive outlooking is always major inspiration to me. We went and walked the course on the Wednesday before the race. I was feeling a little better but still not "excited" like before.  I hadn't been working out, i been stressed about money and work, weight gain and everything else that women worry about.
The day of the race came an it was clear we out numbered. Those that were ready to race and us. We were trying to help each other stay hyped up but i could help but get the feeling that everyone that helped sign us in and give us our shirts were looking at us with pity. Minutes before the start the were young me sprinting all over the place. There sixty mile an hour dashes were enough to make me want to crawl back in the car. But who was kidding. This is all for a good cause and "HELLO" were here to have fun.
Ready, Set, Go! We were off and jogging with everybody else. If only it had been a race to the red light only 50 yards away. Just past the red light was the first hill on our list. it was bad but it was straight up. The crazy thing was Mary's soon attack. She could breath. She was still walking on with me but i could tell she wasn't feeling right. I kept trying to encourage her to breath deep and pump her arms and all that crap nobody wants to her when they are seconds away from stroking out only 100 yards into a race. But i didn't know what else to say, so i smiled and praised her efforts.  At the top she gained control of lungs and down the road we went at a slow trot but excited. It was at our next walk interval that we realized was were being trailed. How is this possible you say, you guys were the slowest. Why yes were were! So slow in fact that a cop car was LITERALLY escort us through the race. I"m sure he thought that morning would be a twenty minute breeze of tailing some juves around clock tower. Instead he ended up bumper to heel with two staggering sacks of potatoes. Poor guy. I over heard one of the water giver outers encourage him to stay vigilant so he didn't accidentally fall asleep and run us over. Well somewhere around the trip past the good ole Rome News-Tribune Mary starts talking about needing to throw up. "Oh Mary, you can't, not in front of a police officer!Just keep breath and moving, you can over come this" I won't repeat what the reply was. But she didn't get to feeling better and after the first mile of the trip we off to a good start.
At one point in the race you cross over a very busy road and an officer was holding traffic for us and our cop car pulled ahead to ensure our safety. Let me say this is a very good thing that he did. Not three days before when we were "practicing" the course Mary almost got me killed. I was walking along, prepared to stop at five lanes of traffic and wait for the light (and texting) when Mary yells, "We can go now!" I'm looking down texting and thinking alright, i'm with you. I get half out in the road only to see a GIANT black SUV barrelling down on me. It was time to (whats the phrase) "Fish or Cut bait". Boy i started hauling it across the remaining three lanes as fast as my little legs would go. Horn blaring as the vehicle went flying past us at break neck speed. I can only imagine what they thought. (Oh i hate this song, kids stop fighting, crap there goes my coffee all down my shirt, is that my phone, where did i put that things, I need to clean out this purse, HOLY CRAP THERE'S PEOPLE IN THE ROAD!!!!)
So any ways, We stumbled and stumbled and stumbled. And then stumbled on some more. So where through the cop decided we were going to slow to get hurt and left us and we round the RN-T again and then it was time for Clock tower hill. Up up up up up we went hurting all the way! We were so out of shape. I can't believe we quit training. What a disappointment. At the top mom was waiting to get a great picture of us passing by clock tower, i was to tired to really smile for the picture. It's probably for the best that and moment she clicked the camera she in actually hit the off button or something and managed to only get a picture of a white trucking that was passing by moments later. Moms are great!   All and all though we did great. We managed to bet our last race time by a solid two minutes and i LOVE the t-shirt, it is going to look so good in my 5k t-shirt quilt. (On an aside, did you know that it takes over 60gallons of water to grow enough cotton for one t-shirt. That's ALOT!)
After we finished i felt so sore for days and felt discussed with myself for not training and eating better. Because of that i was determined to stop letting life stress me out. And my new motto has been "I may not be able to control what happens to me in this world, but i can control what I put in my mouth!" As a result, in less that two weeks i have lost 4 pounds+ and have really good about our up coming Relay for Life.
May we all find motivation to achieve what we need to do and not just what comes easy! God bless you all! I love you Terry Cordle, The Next Race is for you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Run for the World....or walk!

Our second 5k was one week ago, last Saturday. This 5k was in Downtown Rome and it was for a local church. We had gone a few days before and walked the course, so we would know where to go and what to expect. I was so glad we did that! We didn't rush, just walked and chatted. It was also very nice b/c we had not been able to get together and work out in awhile. We have a usual Wednesday work out routine and the week before (On Wednesday) was when we had the bad storms.
    I personally did not feel as prepared for this 5k as the first one, but I don't think I realized that fully until we were in the race! There were not as many people at this race as the last one. They also had a Fun Mile so there were a lot of families. That was cute and my kids have been wanting to do a race...maybe next time!

   We get started and we are going uphill, everyone takes off running...including us. Almost up the hill and I start having difficulty breathing...and then it gets worse and I am wheezing. I am thinking to myself "how can I be having an asthma attack? I don't have ASTHMA??? It did get better once we topped the hill. I was scared, I have never experienced anything like that and I am planning on talking to My Dr. about it...so I can continue running...walking/running. I also failed to mention I had woken up with a migraine and taken one of my migraine pills...which are strong. I ate a little bite so I thought it would be OK. I will never do that again. Once we reached our mile mark I started getting nauseated. They had water stands set up and I was scared to drink anything...Jamie knows that is NOT like me. I am CONSTANTLY drinking water. I was afraid to have anything on my stomach. This went on for a little while...and Jamie was talking me through it. As usual, she was my cheerleader. I was being a GROUCH. I just honestly wanted it OVER. Oh...and did I also mention we had a COP car trailing us? The runners were ahead of us and we were walking...so we were at the back. That was irritating as well.
   We had a personal photographer! I will have to upload some pics. Jamie's mom came and took pics of us and would show up at different points along the way and that was really cool! The awesome part was seeing her when we got to Clock Hill Tower. Anyone from Rome knows how steep it is at that point and we had just made it up the hill and there she was cheering us on!! Thanks DONNA!!
   From that point on, things got better for me. I was feeling better and I knew the finish line was getting closer. Our PR was just to beat our last time...which was 46 minutes.
   We crossed the finish line at 44:44! Even with all the obstacles we still beat our last time and PR! I was instantly happy. My mind was already racing...we need to work out more, be more dedicated, commit to 3 to 4 days a week and stick to it. That is the most difficult part. Working full time, being a mom and a mom to kids in activities, it is challenging. I will say we can do this, meet here, etc. and things just seem to pop up and get in my way!
   I did see someone that I knew at the race and she WON her age group and beat her PR. It was motivating to see her do that! It makes me strive to keep going on the path I am.
   Above everything, thanks Jamie! Thanks for being by my side! I really don't think I could do this without you. Can't wait for our next one! Time to beat 44:44!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Event! by Jamie

Early morning - coffee Please!
Out of the car - oh what a breeze.

Whats ahead, I do not know.
T-shirts on - its time to go!

Down the hill, we're in the pack
Round the bend, we are on track!

The smells are clean after the rain
The mood is right, i feel no pain.

People cheer that i do not know.
It makes me feel the urge to "GO!"

Omg, what i have i done!
This endless hill is so no fun!

In my calves i feel the burn
In my head i must be stern.

At the top i again can breathe
A small down turn in just a tease.

The next rise is a steady slope
and we no longer use an imaginary rope

We rise back above the trees,
A desire to quit felt in my knees.

But A desire to run felt in my heart
we are that much farther from the start.

The second half, we know whats up
OMG, Mary threw her cup. (LITER!)

Its time again, we mentally prepare.
The hill is close, pull back your hair.

We see the rise,  I say RUN! lol
Come on Mary, It will be Fun!

She is such a sport, we stomped it out,
Very little did she actually pout!

One small goal we had to find,
Two girls in front, make them behind.

Half way up that final stretch,
Those two girls we did catch.

Before we know we see the end
Just around the final bend.

"Eye of the tiger" to motivate
Pickup the speed, who wants to wait.

Ten more feet, nine, eight, seven, five
Inches away, i feel so alive!

There's my BABY! Waiting at the line!
The camera flashes, The moment is MINE!

We finished, we finished, we finished,
we finished, we finished, we finished!!!!!!

The adrenaline's pumping, i can't believe
This massive first we just achieved

46 minutes, it went so fast,
I"m cloud nine, i hope it lasts.

Mary's encouragement to do this thing
Has turned in to fulfilling a dream!

I can't believe what we have done!
and I never knew it would be fun!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 k...from Mary

We did it!! Our first 5k was this past Saturday. I will never forget this day. We have been planning for this, but we have also had obstacles to deal with and overcome as well.
    I woke up very early Saturday and got ready...went to pick up my BFF and running buddy Jamie. She was thinking about us and our empty tummies and had made some light breakfast for us. We then headed over to Shorter, not really knowing where to go. We did know they would have signs so we weren't too worried about it.  I had butterflies in my stomach already. Now..our first 5k we chose to do is at Shorter University, which is a very hill-y campus. We knew (well I thought we knew) what we were getting into. This was also for a charity, which is another reason we are doing the 5K's..our way to get fit while giving back a little. This one was..Jogging for Justice. The fight against sexual abuse. I also didn't think about the fact that the race was at Shorter so we would probably be walking/running with a bunch of college kids. Honestly, I wasn't thinking about ANYONE else who may be there or how they would do or how we would compare. I was simply thinking about 2 things...starting and finishing.
   Once we are there, we go check in and get our shirts and bags and bring them back to my car so we can put our race shirts on and put our bags away. We also had some time to take some pictures and stretch. In the meantime, Jamie see's someone she knows so we chat with her for a few. She started races last year and trained for the Berry 1/2 marathon and just ran that last month. Jamie and I are running this next March. As the race is about 3 minutes from starting, we chat with the same girl and her friend, which Jamie also knows. They quickly inform us, after finding out that this is our first 5k, that this is a TOUGH one. They told us that after this, other one's would seem easy b/c it is so hill-y. I was now really getting nervous.
    On your mark, get set...GO!!!! Jamie and I both had a REALLY good start. We were walking/running about every minute. I think a couple of times we probably went over a minute running. The first part of the race was also mostly downhill. Once we got to the MAJOR hill that we could not see before the race, I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest! We had just finished our minute or so run right before going up the hill. It was H A R D. We made it though..I caught my breathe...Jamie talked me through it while I whined like a baby! We make it back to the start line and have one more lap to go. Ok, I am thinking to myself, I can do this...just one more time. Again, the first half was easier..it's all downhill or level ground. We hit the hill again and Jamie wanted us to try running up the hill...I think I did about halfway and then had to force myself up the other half. I do say this, Jamie was my CHEERLEADER. I was the WHINY brat. That is how it is when we work out. I motivate and get us TO the gym...and she get's us THROUGH the work out.
    From this point, I remember Jamie singing "Eye of the Tiger" and seeing the finish line in sight. I knew we were going to break our personal goal..we had been checking our time. Now, I don't know if this is good or not, but I think with this being our very first 5k and with all the hills we had to encounter...I feel VERY good about our time. We finished in 46 minutes!
   A lot of people finished before us. I think one guy had to finish in like 20 minutes. I was inspired with his fitness. We aren't there and may never get to THAT point. But next time...we have a time to beat, our time, 46 minutes!! I could not have done this without Jamie. I also want to give a shout out to Keenun for giving me lots of advice and praises!
    I am excited about our next 5k...which is about 3 weeks away! We have Relay for Life in less than 2 weeks. I am pumped for our next 11 races!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


As I stated earlier, we made up our minds to make some BIG changes in 2011. I had already signed up for Health Quest and was about a week in, but had not made any "plans" yet. At the same time, I reconnected with an old friend that I had not talked to in 13 years! She also has a blog and I started reading it. She was now into fitness, health, clean foods...and HALF MARATHONS! I was impressed. I started chatting with her about walking/running and she somehow managed to get me to commit to a HALF MARATHON in Oct. 2011. Ironically, this was ALWAYS a personal goal of mine, but one I did not think I could ever achieve. I cannot run, it HURTS! I still have my doubts, but I also have this voice in my head saying, but what if you CAN do it Mary...how awesome would you feel crossing that finish line??
    I made up my mind. I am going to have a goal...October and in the meantime I am going to train and find 5k's. AS many as possible. One each month. I talked over my plan with Jamie and it was like 2 minutes later and she was on board with me. We are both sceptical about Oct, but we are also ALL FOR IT.
    I started walking and then started working on ratio's. I had to start my ratio's at 30:30. Mind you, I am OUT of shape. I have not been active and exercising. I went from 0 to 100. I walked and walked and did my ratio's for over a week and then one day I got on treadmill at home. I had warmed up pretty good and started my first ratio and then came some screaming pain! My legs were killing me. I had to quit. I didn't know what was wrong. The very next day, I went to the gym and walked and started my ratio's again, Jamie was with me. I was STILL in pain...and trying to push through. After about 30 minutes, I stopped and went and stretched REALLY good. I had not been stretching. Mistake #1. Always, Always, Always stretch before and AFTER you walk/run. The next day, I went again, but this time stretched and WALKED 2.5 miles. I was still in pain and knew I needed to chill and rest my body...let my legs heal or I would NEVER be able to do my 5k, which was only 2 weeks away. I let my body rest from Friday-Wednesday. I stretched and iced my legs all weekend. I was sore just from walking, squatting to pick up my kids toys, anything I did all weekend. My body hurt. I realized I started SO fast and my body was telling me. Mentally, this was so hard for me. I had plans to go walk/run all weekend. I was so angry b/c I did not want to stop. I had made up my mind that this is what I was going to do, but I couldn't.
    Happy to report however, that on that Wednesday when I worked out again...I was BETTER! My legs felt good. I walked and did my ratio's, finishing at over 3 miles and I felt GOOD. I was back and I could now continue on my journey. I wouldn't be letting Jamie down now either. That was another issue I had...she was ready to go and I had to slow down.
     This is the week of the 5k now and I am still feeling good. Jamie and I worked out last night, did our ratio's and had a pretty good work-out. Tonight, we are meeting again to walk..fast walking. Friday we are resting our body to prepare for our 5k on Saturday. I am excited and happy to be better, but have learned some lessons in the meantime. STRETCH and STRETCH some more and PACE yourself. Do not push through an injury. Take time off until you are not in pain anymore b/c it only get's worse. Don't give up. Be Patient. I have to say these things over and over to myself. Lesson learned for me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Fresh Start...
                                   I have had many up's and down's physically in my life thus far. I have been active to semi active to none at all! Exercising had always been a part of my life since I can remember. I always have felt better when I was exercising. Not only physically, but mentally as well. It's a "renewal" of the body, mind & spirit. I believe everyone should exercise to the point that they are physically able. I am only in charge of myself and this year, I have made a commitment to RENEW myself. Being a busy, working mom to 3 kids, I often put myself on the back burner while I am taking care of everyone else. This year, I am making some changes and although I will still take care of my family, I am making myself important as well. I am making time for myself and not letting anything get in my way. That has been a huge challenge since becoming a mom. I always felt guilty when I would leave the kids to do anything (besides working and even that I felt guilty when they were babies!!). I was very blessed to have a flexible job when they were babies that allowed me to be with them as well. In 2009 I started a new job that required me to be there 8-5 Mon-Fri, which was a big change for me. However, my very first day of work was my youngest son's very first day of Kindergarten. All 3 kids were in school now so it all fit together. However, with the first year of working, getting home late...homework, dinner, baths, etc. I never had time to fit anything else in my schedule. I had NO "ME" time. I was ok with that, but of course it would have been nice. In 2010, my work partnered with the YMCA and started "HEALTH QUEST". I decided I would sign up and try to make some changes....

Making friends...
   After I started my job..well 4 months after, I started talking to a girl named Jamie. Funny, her desk was pretty close to mine, but for 4 months, we just mainly said "hi" and "bye" to each other. We had one thing in common..we both smoked. So..we started talking when we would go outside to smoke. I liked her, she seemed very nice, very honest. We started Health Quest together. She went and weighed in (as were supposed to) every Wednesday. I think I did, maybe 4 times!! I lost 8 pounds and then I pretty much quit. HOWEVER, I made a decision to focus my HEALTHQUEST 2010 in a different direction. I QUIT SMOKING. I had been an on again/off again smoker for years. I am VERY proud to say that April 3, 2010..I QUIT FOR GOOD. It was not an easy task. I focused last year to making sure I did not cave. I went through a lot of changes...a lot of MOOD swings. I went from talking to some of my NC family on the phone every day to hardly at all. I had to do that to make changes. Talking on the phone went along w/ smoking. Some people thought I was so mad at them, it wasn't that...at all. I just had to pull through this. I had to beat any cravings. Several months later..a dear co-worker was diagnosed with lung cancer. That was another eye opener that I did the right thing. 2010 was all about kicking the habit...now 2011 is all about getting FIT and HEALTHY!! Jamie was with me all the way on this. She has also kicked the habit. SO PROUD OF HER! She has also signed on for Health Quest 2011 and we are on a team together. We have make a pact to not only get fit and healthy, but in the meantime to participate in a 5k EVERY month for the rest of the year...I could NOT do this without her. She pushes me when I want to give up and I push her when she wants to not work out...haha! We have had some challenges along the way...even though it has been a short time. We started so fast and dedicated that we had some injuries...will talk about that more later on...
    Our FIRST 5k is this Saturday and I am SO excited. I am SO not worried about our time or if we walk the whole thing. I am just so excited that we have made up our minds to make some healthy changes and we are sticking with it. This blog will help with that as well...and we can post about our journey along the way. No matter what, I am just so thankful I have Jamie by my side through this. I have made an awesome friend in the process! :)))

by Mary

The Beginning

The Intro...
This is for me. This is for Mary. This is for the love of life, for our family and our friends. We have the desire to change our lives and our living habits. And to change your mind IS to change your life. For a year, starting April 2011, we are committing to running/walking/doing a 5k every month. Life is about achieving goals, living outside of your box and committing to the things that matter most (ie, being on this planet for your loved ones as long as you can).  The Year of the 5k is about achieving better heath while accomplishing a much desired goal with a friend you can rely on. I love you Mary!

The Eyeopener...
In October of 2010 a very dear friend and co-worker was diagnosed with cancer. Mr. Terry Cordle. He was a long time smoker and one Monday when I asked him to come outside to smoke with me, he said "I quit smoking this weekend. Something inside of me said 'Terry you need to give this up, NOW'" and he did. I was so proud of him! Proud that he was doing something i couldn't yet do.  A few weeks later something was wrong, no one was exactly sure what, but something was definitely wrong. By early October it was confirmed that there was a spot on his lungs... CANCER. Even so, doctors were very hopeful "This is small we can get this". Treatment after treatment, still we had hope. Now there is no more treatment and very little hope. I love you Terry!

The Push...
In January of 2011, Rome, Ga YMCA and Floyd county hospital (and others) came together to do the 2nd Annual Health Quest. Last year my results were less than awesome. Questing for health is something you have to commit to and desire or you will end up living two lives. One for the quest and one for you. This year, with or without weight loss, I am committing to the change. The desire to improve my life, my health and my ability to keep promises to myself. I have already quit smoking and been cigarette free since January. This year I will truly Quest for health. But slow is the road to change. Keep your chin up!

The Relay...
As everyone knows, there is a foundation called Relay for Life. It helps to raise money for the American Cancer Society. In March of 2011, the Rome News-Tribune started a team. Terry's Barristas: Terry loves his coffee! Obviously this is something i want to do, am doing, and will do from here on out. This years Rome, Ga relay is on April 29th, from 5pm - 7am. This relay is always all night because cancer never sleeps. So for day, neither can we. Me and Mary are scheduled for the 9:30-11:30 and then work the booth from 11:30 -1:30 and then maybe some more walking! : )

The Result...
So you ask where all this is going.... Mary mentioned to her facebook family about walking in the relay and one of her long time friends mentioned that she might also do a race with her in Atlanta in October. Mary mentions this to me, we start talking about the reality of it. And the reality is that if are even going to think of doing a 1/2 marathon we are going to have to commit to some extremely hard work. After a good bit of advice from others one thing kept coming up. Do a 5K first. Which then turned into "Do a 5k" every month. So we are going to commit to the 5ks, commit to the relay for life, become extreme health questers and change our lives!

The Start...
After a good bit of walking and jogging, a few injuries on both sides..... ready or not our first 5k is in 4 days! Saturday, April 16th we will be Jogging for Justice at Shorter College in Rome, GA!  We may end walking the entire thing and come in last place, but we are going to do this. These days life is and should be all about accountability.  So with you and this blog, we are hoping it will help us be accountable. Accountable for achieving our 5ks.

So join us on our journey to lifes greatest and hardest accomplishment. GOOD HEALTH!  It should be hard, fun and enlightening!

Good health to you all!

by Jamie