Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 k...from Mary

We did it!! Our first 5k was this past Saturday. I will never forget this day. We have been planning for this, but we have also had obstacles to deal with and overcome as well.
    I woke up very early Saturday and got ready...went to pick up my BFF and running buddy Jamie. She was thinking about us and our empty tummies and had made some light breakfast for us. We then headed over to Shorter, not really knowing where to go. We did know they would have signs so we weren't too worried about it.  I had butterflies in my stomach already. Now..our first 5k we chose to do is at Shorter University, which is a very hill-y campus. We knew (well I thought we knew) what we were getting into. This was also for a charity, which is another reason we are doing the 5K's..our way to get fit while giving back a little. This one was..Jogging for Justice. The fight against sexual abuse. I also didn't think about the fact that the race was at Shorter so we would probably be walking/running with a bunch of college kids. Honestly, I wasn't thinking about ANYONE else who may be there or how they would do or how we would compare. I was simply thinking about 2 things...starting and finishing.
   Once we are there, we go check in and get our shirts and bags and bring them back to my car so we can put our race shirts on and put our bags away. We also had some time to take some pictures and stretch. In the meantime, Jamie see's someone she knows so we chat with her for a few. She started races last year and trained for the Berry 1/2 marathon and just ran that last month. Jamie and I are running this next March. As the race is about 3 minutes from starting, we chat with the same girl and her friend, which Jamie also knows. They quickly inform us, after finding out that this is our first 5k, that this is a TOUGH one. They told us that after this, other one's would seem easy b/c it is so hill-y. I was now really getting nervous.
    On your mark, get set...GO!!!! Jamie and I both had a REALLY good start. We were walking/running about every minute. I think a couple of times we probably went over a minute running. The first part of the race was also mostly downhill. Once we got to the MAJOR hill that we could not see before the race, I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest! We had just finished our minute or so run right before going up the hill. It was H A R D. We made it though..I caught my breathe...Jamie talked me through it while I whined like a baby! We make it back to the start line and have one more lap to go. Ok, I am thinking to myself, I can do this...just one more time. Again, the first half was's all downhill or level ground. We hit the hill again and Jamie wanted us to try running up the hill...I think I did about halfway and then had to force myself up the other half. I do say this, Jamie was my CHEERLEADER. I was the WHINY brat. That is how it is when we work out. I motivate and get us TO the gym...and she get's us THROUGH the work out.
    From this point, I remember Jamie singing "Eye of the Tiger" and seeing the finish line in sight. I knew we were going to break our personal goal..we had been checking our time. Now, I don't know if this is good or not, but I think with this being our very first 5k and with all the hills we had to encounter...I feel VERY good about our time. We finished in 46 minutes!
   A lot of people finished before us. I think one guy had to finish in like 20 minutes. I was inspired with his fitness. We aren't there and may never get to THAT point. But next time...we have a time to beat, our time, 46 minutes!! I could not have done this without Jamie. I also want to give a shout out to Keenun for giving me lots of advice and praises!
    I am excited about our next 5k...which is about 3 weeks away! We have Relay for Life in less than 2 weeks. I am pumped for our next 11 races!!!

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